Wiki » History » Revision 8
Revision 7 (Lari Taskula, 01.02.2024 04:06) → Revision 8/10 (Lari Taskula, 01.02.2024 04:06)
h1. Wiki {{toc}} h2. 1. What is Hypernova's Koha Fund Hypernova's Koha Fund (later Koha Fund, the fund) is a fund designated to support Koha and Free and Open-Source Software and Hardware. A portion of the cost of our Koha hosting service plan is allocated to the fund. The key idea is to give back to the Open-Source community. Contributions funded by the fund Koha Fund shall be such that they benefit the community as a whole. h2. 2. How we use our Koha Fund Koha Fund is administrated together with our Koha Hosting clients. Both Hypernova and our clients can propose tasks eligible for the fund. Often times this means contributing to a new feature, enhancement or translations in Koha. The fund is *not* meant for fulfilling client-specific needs as there are other means for this. h2. 3. What we have done so far "Open and Closed Issues":*&f%5B%5D=&c%5B%5D=tracker&c%5B%5D=status&c%5B%5D=priority&c%5B%5D=subject&c%5B%5D=assigned_to&c%5B%5D=updated_on&group_by=&t%5B%5D= "Work log":