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Hours: 612.28

Project Created Date User Activity Issue Comment Hours
Koha Contributions 10.01.2020 23:48 10.01.2020 Lari Taskula Development Feature #218: REST API: Checkout Gathering requirements, initial development. 2.00 Actions
Koha Contributions 06.09.2021 14:00 06.09.2021 Lari Taskula Development Feature #577: Swedbank Pay Starting by reading documentation, forking DIBS Payment Plugin, renaming files and packages and adjusting configuration variables. 2.00 Actions
Koha Contributions 17.09.2021 01:52 17.09.2021 Lari Taskula Development Feature #577: Swedbank Pay Integration developement with Swedbank Pay API. 2.00 Actions
Koha Contributions 21.03.2022 10:37 21.03.2022 Lari Taskula Development Support #851: Bug 30200 - Add customizable tabs to interlibrary loan requests list Refactoring. We can use "$" function to filter out unwanted statuses. Tidying up the code and testing. 2.00 Actions
Koha Contributions 05.07.2022 14:55 05.07.2022 Lari Taskula Development Feature #941: Bug 22456 - Allow patrons to cancel their waiting holds Testing and revieweing Bug. 2.00 Actions
Koha Contributions 05.07.2022 14:57 05.07.2022 Lari Taskula Development Feature #944: Avoid changing tabs on page reload on holds awaiting pickup page Implementing feature and testing. 2.00 Actions
Koha Contributions 18.10.2022 22:18 19.10.2022 Lari Taskula Development Feature #942: Change item level hold to biblio level hold Reading feedback in Bugzilla, rebasing patches and adding a tooltip. Realizing tooltip/aria-label is wrong when first clicked. Rewording it to "toggle hold type". Changing icon to fa-chain(-broken). Attaching more patches. 2.00 Actions
Koha Fund 31.10.2022 15:00 31.10.2022 Lari Taskula Development Bug #985: koha-pluginkohasuomi-label-printer fixes Received an email from client on errors for koha-plugin-kohasuomi-label-printer. Investigating errors. First error had to do with a possible mismatch between forced RFC3339 timestamp format and Koha's preferred date format in system preferences. Forcing all sheet timestamps to RFC3339. Secondly, it appears deleting sheets does not work. Running into strange issues with version numbering i.e "0.5" in path parameter returning 404 default mojolicious error page, implying the request never arrives controller. Trying various OpenAPI specs in an attempt to resolve the issue, but eventually setting sheet_version to query parameter. 2.00 Actions
Koha Fund 02.12.2022 13:35 02.12.2022 Lari Taskula Development Feature #995: (koha-fund) Bug 18595 - Move C4::Members::Messaging to Koha namespace Testing and finding a new conflict with digest checkbox changes and my JS messaging preferences code causing mostly smaller visual issues, trying to fix issues to no avail. 2.00 Actions
Koha Fund 29.08.2023 19:50 29.08.2023 Lari Taskula Development Bug #1104: Bug 34639 - Item shown in transit on even if marked as arrived or cancelled Testing, providing new tests and commenting on BZ. 2.00 Actions
Koha Fund 04.09.2023 20:12 04.09.2023 Lari Taskula Development Bug #1104: Bug 34639 - Item shown in transit on even if marked as arrived or cancelled Setting up perltidy and practising tidying commits. Providing perltidy'ed commits to BZ. 2.00 Actions
Koha Fund 14.09.2022 15:34 14.09.2022 Lari Taskula Development Bug #965: Bug 31565 - Patron search filter by category code with special character returns no results Client reported a bug, investigating it and confirming it's a bug. Creating a new Bug to Bugzilla, debugging, creating & attaching a patch and reporting findings to Bugzilla. 2.25 Actions
Koha Fund 01.12.2023 17:50 01.12.2023 Lari Taskula Development Support #1129: Bug 35471 - Automatically select child MARC framework when adding child records Developing the feature. Adding a new column parent_frameworkcode to biblio_framework. Running DBIx schema upgrades. Adding elements to GUI for selecting parent framework. Making scripts handle the new fields. Adding conditionals to for adding a child record - if host has no child records, use default frameworkcode (''), if 1 child, use its frameworkcode, and if 2 or more children, list them all and let librarian select the desired one. 2.50 Actions
Koha Contributions 23.09.2021 10:07 23.09.2021 Lari Taskula Development Feature #577: Swedbank Pay Emailing Swedbank tech support back and forth, implementing the Create order step of Payment Menu. 2.75 Actions
Koha Fund 30.09.2020 14:16 30.09.2020 Lari Taskula Development Feature #358: Restoring item's checkout availability Discussing problems caused by missing REST endpoints between Koha-Suomi-Koha and NatLibFi's Koha project. One such missing feature is item's checkout availability. It should still be part of our Koha instances. Deciding to fund this work from the Koha funding because such generic APIs are useful for everyone. 3.00 Actions
Koha Contributions 04.02.2021 01:41 04.02.2021 Lari Taskula Development Feature #421: Bug 20028 - Export all patron related personal data in one package Implementing a new approach by using DBIx::Class relationships. Interestingly, DBIx::Class::ResultSource::relationships returns other than just tables, for example "borrower_relationships_guarantees". Not sure why this is. 3.00 Actions
Koha Contributions 05.02.2021 18:45 05.02.2021 Lari Taskula Development Bug #439: Bug 27630 - TestBuilder real number precision to use column's size Investigating this issue further. Attempting to reload the TestBuilder-generated data via DBIx's discard_changes/get_from_storage methods, but it fails for the tables that don't have primary keys. Digging into DBIx, DBI and eventually some DBD::mysql where (or lower) the problem seems to originate from. Writing better unit tests to prove this issue. 3.00 Actions
Koha Contributions 18.03.2022 18:19 18.03.2022 Lari Taskula Development Support #851: Bug 30200 - Add customizable tabs to interlibrary loan requests list Debugging DataTable's column width issue where the width gets messed up once tabs are changed. It seems SQL reports page does not have the same issue. SQL reports is using just one table instead of each table for every tab. Refactoring code. Running into an annoying issue where I cannot safely filter rows by status code because ILL requests DataTable uses the full given names of statuses instead of status codes. 3.00 Actions
Koha Fund 13.04.2023 00:54 13.04.2023 Lari Taskula Development Bug #1025: KohaSuomi label printer is not clearing add_to_print_labels_list_* placeholders when adding multiple items Fixing developement environment, a lot of changes to dev-install since I've used it last time 3.00 Actions
Koha Fund 21.08.2023 11:04 21.08.2023 Lari Taskula Development Support #1100: Koha background jobs seemingly at random getting stuck in "new" state More investigation. No solution as of now. Implementing a temporary fix where $conn is skipped altogether and pending jobs are executed the traditional way. Implementing this into our Koha roles in Ansible and providing this temporary fix to all our Koha clients. 3.00 Actions
Koha Fund 01.12.2023 23:09 02.12.2023 Lari Taskula Development Support #1129: Bug 35471 - Automatically select child MARC framework when adding child records Writing template toolkit plugin for fetching child frameworks, adding logic to selecting child framework when adding a new child record. Fixing bugs, writing test plans, creating a new Bug. Attaching patches to Bugzilla. 3.00 Actions
Koha Contributions 02.02.2022 00:21 02.02.2022 Lari Taskula Development Support #779: Bug 24239 - Let the ILL module set ad hoc hard due dates Studying the specification doc for task a. Checking Bugzilla Bug 24239 and studying Magnus's patch. Reading discussion related to the bug. It was suggested that instead of custom attribute, a date_due column could be added to illrequests table. Implementing this and writing tests for this. 3.50 Actions
Koha Contributions 11.02.2022 16:32 11.02.2022 Lari Taskula Development Support #820: Allow renewals for ILLs Developing this feature. Studying and experimenting how ILL backend statuses behave. It seems that it's enough to create a new placeholder status "IN_UTL_RENEW" that's not an actual status, but just a placeholder to add a button to illview screen. Its actual status (stored in the database) is still "IN_UTL". Using code from the receive step and adjusting it for the needs of renewals. Testing. Pushing changes to GitHub. 3.50 Actions
Koha Contributions 14.02.2022 07:47 14.02.2022 Lari Taskula Development Support #761: koha-illbackend-libris enhancements Work log entry for Samu's work. Only Lari's entries (such as this) will be billed. Samu debugged a bug with the creation of new ILL request, and after receiving more information from Magnus he fixed it and sent a PR to upstream. 3.75 Actions
Koha Contributions 08.04.2019 19:31 08.04.2019 Lari Taskula Development Feature #21: SMS::Send::BudgetSMS Implementing module, tests and writing documentation. Pushing to CPAN and GitHub with Travis CI enabled. 4.00 Actions
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