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Hours: 642.53

Created Date User Activity Issue Comment Hours
05.03.2025 11:55 05.03.2025 Lari Taskula Translating Support #588: Translate Koha-Community OPAC Translating OPAC 1.00 Actions
04.02.2025 11:04 04.02.2025 Lari Taskula Development Support #1582: koha-plugin-kohasuomi-label-printer Bootstrap 5 fixes Fixing Label Printer after Koha 24.11 migrated to Bootstrap 5. Publishing a new release. 2.00 Actions
19.12.2024 12:18 19.12.2024 Lari Taskula Learning Support #1500: Bug 38752 - BibTeX export include 245b Studying BibTeX & other Koha export formats. 1.00 Actions
19.12.2024 11:03 19.12.2024 Lari Taskula Development Bug #1494: Bug 35975 - Download cart with BIBTEX contains hash value Confirming Bug, debugging and writing a fix. Had some issues with local Koha dev installation after upgrading Koha, fixing some environment issues in order to be able to continue working on this. 2.00 Actions
22.10.2024 14:53 22.10.2024 Lari Taskula Communication Support #1451: Bug 25673 - Access logging of borrower's personal information Commenting to Bugzilla 0.50 Actions
22.10.2024 14:50 22.10.2024 Lari Taskula Development Support #1450: Bug 27734 - OpacHiddenItems produces a 404 from borrower holds list Discussing this issue with a client. Searching bugzilla for related reports. Rebasing and replacing system preference with HTML customization. Testing and attaching patches. 1.50 Actions
22.10.2024 14:58 18.10.2024 Lari Taskula Maintenance Support #1453: Bug 38215 - Unable to clear "records with available items" limit by clicking "show all records Reporting a bug and testing. 0.75 Actions
22.10.2024 14:56 18.10.2024 Lari Taskula Development Support #1452: Bug 15728 - Hide component parts from search result Porting the feature, rebasing, developing Elasticsearch support. Testing. Found bugs with the implementation of this feature for Zebra. Studying ccl and testing with yaz-client. Debugging and fixing. Pushing to Bugzilla. 5.00 Actions
15.10.2024 17:04 15.10.2024 Lari Taskula Development Support #1426: Bug 32440 - Allow selective deletion of statistics entries based on type by cleanup_database Investigating statistics and pseudonymized_transactions relationship and Koha business logic for pseudonymization. There are many cases where data will be lost. Starting by developing a statistics.type flag to Writing tests and pushing to Bugzilla. 3.00 Actions
02.10.2024 20:26 02.10.2024 Lari Taskula Translating Support #1250: Translate Koha Translations 1.00 Actions
02.10.2024 20:26 02.10.2024 Lari Taskula Development Support #1412: Bug 35126 - Remove the use of event attributes from Investigating issue, creating a patch and pushing to bz. Needs sign off 1.00 Actions
19.09.2024 21:12 20.09.2024 Lari Taskula Development Support #1354: Bug 37969 - Add missing language code nor (Norwegian/inclusive) Adding nor language code to Koha 1.00 Actions
19.09.2024 20:01 19.09.2024 Lari Taskula Documenting Support #1353: Bug 31608 - ShowComponentRecords doesn't display components if UseControlNumber is turned on Providing community support. This has been an issue to some of our customers in the past so it is reasonable to take a real good look at it and write down the observations. 2.00 Actions
19.09.2024 17:43 19.09.2024 Lari Taskula Development Support #1352: Bug 37965 - Restore Bug 12032 - TinyMCE rewrites urls in a very annoying and unexpected way Noticed this annoying issue while creating content to our test Koha installation. Investigating and adding a patch to bz. 1.00 Actions
30.08.2024 17:30 30.08.2024 Lari Taskula Maintenance Bug #1283: Bug 37375 - Holdings table not loading if MARC framework is missing certain 952 subfields Discussing, investigating further. 2.00 Actions
21.08.2024 23:13 22.08.2024 Lari Taskula Maintenance Bug #1283: Bug 37375 - Holdings table not loading if MARC framework is missing certain 952 subfields Rebasing and reading some related bugs comments. 1.00 Actions
24.07.2024 08:33 24.07.2024 Lari Taskula Maintenance Support #1286: Bug 37446 - Home/holding library facets missing user friendly label Got a report regarding this issue from a client library. Diagnosing the problem. Reporting a new ticket to Bugzilla. 2.00 Actions
16.07.2024 16:08 16.07.2024 Lari Taskula Development Bug #1283: Bug 37375 - Holdings table not loading if MARC framework is missing certain 952 subfields Investigating issue. Figured out a customer had misconfigured MARC framework. Going through the fields one by one and finding the ones causing problems with a default setup. Creating a test plan and patch, attaching patch to Bugzilla. 3.00 Actions
07.06.2024 15:55 07.06.2024 Lari Taskula Development Support #1262: Shrinking cover_images with a script Studying how uploads and cover_images are managed in Koha. Creating a script to lower image quality (and size - which should automatically be handled by Koha however). Managed to shrink size of cover_images to about a third of original size. 3.00 Actions
20.05.2024 21:30 21.05.2024 Lari Taskula Translating Support #1251: Translate Koha-Community installer Translating main/installer 2.00 Actions
17.05.2024 18:58 17.05.2024 Lari Taskula Translating Support #588: Translate Koha-Community OPAC Translations & commenting translates 1.00 Actions
17.05.2024 00:28 17.05.2024 Lari Taskula Translating Support #588: Translate Koha-Community OPAC OPAC translations for 24.05 2.00 Actions
20.02.2024 03:10 20.02.2024 Lari Taskula Development Support #1188: Bug 36134 - Elasticsearch authentication using userinfo parameter crashes Noticing the internal server error, reporting a Bug and implementing a fix. 1.50 Actions
08.01.2024 13:08 08.01.2024 Lari Taskula Maintenance Support #1138: Tietuenäytön muokkaus ei toimi päivityksen jälkeen Tutkittu ongelmaa ja löydetty Bug 35383 0.50 Actions
07.01.2024 20:01 07.01.2024 Lari Taskula Maintenance Support #1133: koha-l10n/koha-common conflict Investigating koha-l10n vs koha-common confclits with .po files. Making a nasty ansible hack to resolve this issue so that we can move on with the upgrades :/ 2.00 Actions
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