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Hours: 344.53

Created Date User Activity+ Issue Comment Hours
30.08.2023 13:43 30.08.2023 Olli-Antti Kivilahti Communication Support #1101: ISO ILL 18626 ja Koha - Design phase. Status report to EPK. Got access to Quickly glancing at Airut. 0.75 Actions
25.08.2023 21:07 26.08.2023 Olli-Antti Kivilahti Design Support #1101: ISO ILL 18626 ja Koha - Design phase. Looking at significant Complex Data Types of concern in the ISO -standard, and how to implement them in Koha. Releasing some thoughts on "Koha to Koha" messaging. 1.50 Actions
25.08.2023 14:19 25.08.2023 Olli-Antti Kivilahti Design Support #1101: ISO ILL 18626 ja Koha - Design phase. Implementing a more detailed plan for the basic use cases. Referencing Koha capabilities and ISO specs. 1.50 Actions
25.08.2023 01:49 25.08.2023 Olli-Antti Kivilahti Design Support #1101: ISO ILL 18626 ja Koha - Design phase. Planning the Finna-integration. Found issues defining online payments. ISO18626 deals only with very precisely the sharing of an Item between libraries. No discovery services of any kind. Those are left for the consortium to decide. Archimate modeling regarding Finna integration and emailing ISO18626 maintainers about questions and status report to stakeholders. 2.00 Actions
24.08.2023 23:37 25.08.2023 Olli-Antti Kivilahti Learning Support #1101: ISO ILL 18626 ja Koha - Design phase. Bought the ISO18626 document and read through it. Planning the technical implementation to Koha. Such as authentication, Agency discovery, configuration, Agency metadata and availability search. Asking the some questions about inconsistency regarding auth and help in designing federation. 3.00 Actions
24.08.2023 16:22 24.08.2023 Olli-Antti Kivilahti Learning Support #1101: ISO ILL 18626 ja Koha - Design phase. Looking briefly at what Koha wiki offers. Reading through Koha's backend ILL code and looking at example plugin implementations. 3.33 Actions
08.01.2024 13:08 08.01.2024 Lari Taskula Maintenance Support #1138: Tietuenäytön muokkaus ei toimi päivityksen jälkeen Tutkittu ongelmaa ja löydetty Bug 35383 0.50 Actions
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