


Spent time


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Hours: 344.53

Created Date User Activity+ Issue Comment Hours
19.07.2019 01:21 18.07.2019 Olli-Antti Kivilahti Development Feature #59: NatLibFi (KK) Koha consultation 3.87 Actions
17.07.2019 11:41 17.07.2019 Olli-Antti Kivilahti Development Feature #59: NatLibFi (KK) Koha consultation 6.02 Actions
16.07.2019 19:05 16.07.2019 Olli-Antti Kivilahti Development Feature #59: NatLibFi (KK) Koha consultation 3.00 Actions
12.04.2019 17:24 12.04.2019 Lari Taskula Communication Support #23: Bug 18205 - Mojo::Log with Koha::Logger::Mojo Commenting into Bugzilla. 0.25 Actions
08.04.2019 19:31 08.04.2019 Lari Taskula Development Feature #21: SMS::Send::BudgetSMS Implementing module, tests and writing documentation. Pushing to CPAN and GitHub with Travis CI enabled. 4.00 Actions
08.04.2019 15:19 08.04.2019 Lari Taskula Development Feature #20: Bug 14791 - Automatically attempt to resend failed notices Rebasing patches and re-submitting them for signoff. 2.00 Actions
16.03.2019 02:14 16.03.2019 Lari Taskula Development Bug #13: Bug 22527: Link to wrong database manual when missing privileges Identifying and fixing bug. Providing an enhancement to error visibility. 0.50 Actions
(176-182/182) Per page: 25, 50, 100, 500

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