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Hours: 344.53

Created Date User Activity+ Issue Comment Hours
31.01.2022 00:42 31.01.2022 Samu Heiskanen Development Support #776: “Details” under patrons in the staff interface a way to separate ordinary reservations from inter library loan reservations Still trying to find the value to the homebranch 1.00 Actions
30.01.2022 23:37 31.01.2022 Samu Heiskanen Development Support #776: “Details” under patrons in the staff interface a way to separate ordinary reservations from inter library loan reservations Trying to find the Home library, homebranch for the item that patron has a holded. 1.00 Actions
30.01.2022 18:14 30.01.2022 Samu Heiskanen Development Support #776: “Details” under patrons in the staff interface a way to separate ordinary reservations from inter library loan reservations And the solution is in: "koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/js/holds.js" Ok, now to editing javascript. 0.50 Actions
30.01.2022 17:34 30.01.2022 Samu Heiskanen Development Support #776: “Details” under patrons in the staff interface a way to separate ordinary reservations from inter library loan reservations This seems simpler than I thought. Important table settings are in table id="holds-table". I think they are in "kohaclone/blib/INTRANET_TMPL_DIR/prog/js/holds.js" or in "kohaclone/blib/INTRANET_CGI_DIR/admin/columns_settings.yml". Maybe in both. 2.00 Actions
30.01.2022 15:12 30.01.2022 Samu Heiskanen Development Support #776: “Details” under patrons in the staff interface a way to separate ordinary reservations from inter library loan reservations Now I'm going through koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/en/includes/ wondering if I can change that 1.00 Actions
30.01.2022 13:58 30.01.2022 Samu Heiskanen Development Support #776: “Details” under patrons in the staff interface a way to separate ordinary reservations from inter library loan reservations I have added the home library column, now I have to figure out how to find the data for that column 1.00 Actions
30.01.2022 13:07 30.01.2022 Samu Heiskanen Development Support #776: “Details” under patrons in the staff interface a way to separate ordinary reservations from inter library loan reservations Maybe the best way is to add a home library column to the Holds? 1.00 Actions
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