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Hours: 344.53

Created Date User Activity+ Issue Comment Hours
25.10.2023 14:35 25.10.2023 Olli-Antti Kivilahti Communication Support #1101: ISO ILL 18626 ja Koha - Design phase. ISO18626 Authentication Recommendations and Best Practices -meeting with all the big shots. Commenting intensely on auth mechanisms. Reviewing proposed OAuth2 guidelines. Looks good and nice. 1.80 Actions
06.10.2023 17:25 06.10.2023 Olli-Antti Kivilahti Communication Support #1101: ISO ILL 18626 ja Koha - Design phase. Post-meeting ideas propagation. Asking clarifications from PTFS-peeps. Emailing NatLibFi about meeting notes and discoveries and CILLT ISOILL about the new discovered challenges with the standard. 1.45 Actions
06.10.2023 17:07 06.10.2023 Olli-Antti Kivilahti Communication Support #1101: ISO ILL 18626 ja Koha - Design phase. Meeting with PTFS-E. ashimema and Pedro present. Discussing ISO18626 and our clients needs. Identified challenges regarding the standard: how to know in advance what the cost of the ILL is? 1.00 Actions
04.10.2023 17:05 04.10.2023 Olli-Antti Kivilahti Communication Support #1101: ISO ILL 18626 ja Koha - Design phase. Reading ISO18626 CILLT emails and meeting dates. 0.33 Actions
04.10.2023 16:54 04.10.2023 Olli-Antti Kivilahti Communication Support #1101: ISO ILL 18626 ja Koha - Design phase. Scheduling a meeting with PTFS-E and published it on the mauling list. Levitating on how awesome the RFC is. 0.50 Actions
30.09.2023 01:01 30.09.2023 Olli-Antti Kivilahti Communication Support #1101: ISO ILL 18626 ja Koha - Design phase. Discussing project continuity with the client. 0.33 Actions
27.09.2023 16:56 27.09.2023 Olli-Antti Kivilahti Communication Support #1101: ISO ILL 18626 ja Koha - Design phase. Reading the IRC buzz. 0.20 Actions
27.09.2023 03:29 27.09.2023 Olli-Antti Kivilahti Communication Support #1101: ISO ILL 18626 ja Koha - Design phase. Engaging the community in IRC. Answering questions. 0.33 Actions
27.09.2023 01:11 27.09.2023 Olli-Antti Kivilahti Communication Support #1101: ISO ILL 18626 ja Koha - Design phase. Publishing the endeavour to the Koha-Community. Sharing the latest WIP code to github. 1.15 Actions
15.09.2023 20:47 15.09.2023 Olli-Antti Kivilahti Communication Support #1101: ISO ILL 18626 ja Koha - Design phase. Checking emails. Looking to code a bit. 0.25 Actions
14.09.2023 21:16 15.09.2023 Olli-Antti Kivilahti Communication Support #1101: ISO ILL 18626 ja Koha - Design phase. checking emails about ISO Committee work. 0.33 Actions
30.08.2023 13:43 30.08.2023 Olli-Antti Kivilahti Communication Support #1101: ISO ILL 18626 ja Koha - Design phase. Status report to EPK. Got access to Quickly glancing at Airut. 0.75 Actions
12.03.2020 18:07 12.03.2020 Lari Taskula Maintenance Feature #254: Bug 24751 - REST API: CRUD endpoints for holdings records Working from home. Fixing broken koha LXD containers & installations. 2.00 Actions
07.09.2021 15:04 06.09.2021 Lari Taskula Maintenance Feature #578: ansible-role-koha Starting with NatLibFi's Koha. Analyzing current functionality and our additional requirements. Installing Koha with it. Studying koha-create from koha-common Debian package. Debugging an annoying memcached issue for hours that occured because our custom memcached role setup an Unix socket connection instead of listening to TCP:11211 that is the default way expected by Koha. 8.00 Actions
20.04.2022 14:37 20.04.2022 Lari Taskula Maintenance Support #779: Bug 24239 - Let the ILL module set ad hoc hard due dates Rebasing 0.25 Actions
24.10.2022 23:50 25.10.2022 Lari Taskula Maintenance Feature #942: Change item level hold to biblio level hold Squashing patches, responding to a comment in Bugzilla, updating test plan. 0.50 Actions
06.10.2022 12:07 06.10.2022 Lari Taskula Maintenance Support #972: Bug 17499 - Koha objects for messaging preferences Rebasing Bug 17499 and attaching fresh patches to Bugzilla. 1.00 Actions
30.11.2022 18:24 30.11.2022 Lari Taskula Maintenance Support #973: Bug 18595 - Move C4::Members::Messaging to Koha namespace Going through test plans, found a 500 error in staff client when creating a new patron and email is not set. This was in fact already reported in 18595, but I had forgotten it. Need better exception handling in staff client. 1.00 Actions
29.11.2022 00:40 29.11.2022 Lari Taskula Maintenance Support #973: Bug 18595 - Move C4::Members::Messaging to Koha namespace Rebasing Bug 18595, fixing tests. 2.00 Actions
08.01.2024 13:08 08.01.2024 Lari Taskula Maintenance Support #1138: Tietuenäytön muokkaus ei toimi päivityksen jälkeen Tutkittu ongelmaa ja löydetty Bug 35383 0.50 Actions
24.01.2022 14:43 24.01.2022 Lari Taskula Learning Support #761: koha-illbackend-libris enhancements Getting started. Reading task specification for our first tasks and checking out related resources. Installing koha-illbackend-libris. Running into some issues while configurating the module together with @samu.heiskanen that prevent creation of new requests. The issue is that branchcode does not get passed into the CGI-script. Is it missing from template? Debugging and checking out git history for related changes. It appears a recent commit has caused a bug. Contacting author of the module. 2.00 Actions
10.02.2022 01:17 10.02.2022 Lari Taskula Learning Support #762: Edit patron information before registration of arrival Reading specification and trying to understand it. Browsing related views in Koha. Asking for more information. 1.00 Actions
20.05.2022 05:21 20.05.2022 Lari Taskula Learning Support #939: Holds improvements 05/2022 Investigating requirements and searching for possible existing solutions from Koha Bugzilla and search engines. Emailing client. 3.00 Actions
05.07.2022 18:07 05.07.2022 Lari Taskula Learning Feature #940: Remove hold to a biblio if a non-holdable itemtype from the same biblio is checked out Going through Finnish Koha libraries' documentation and finding a possible resolution to this issue that requires a change in circulation rules workflow. Instead of defining hold restriction at "Default holds policy by item type", where exissting holds will not cancel when non-holdable itemtype is checked out, to placing the hold restrction at normal circulation rules table, where the holds do cancel when checking out a non-holdable itemtype. 1.00 Actions
25.09.2023 21:08 26.09.2023 Olli-Antti Kivilahti Learning Support #1101: ISO ILL 18626 ja Koha - Design phase. Tried to use Koha's i18n layer, but it doesnt provide keys for the plugins, so using Vue's own i18n instead. Can build the SPA as a single-page iife easily distributable via Koha plugins' static_route. Managed to port DataTables with TS support, but KohaTable has deep deps for plugin-hostile js-files from Koha-core. Looking into porting routing and stores. 4.22 Actions
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