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Hours: 344.53

Created Date User Activity+ Issue Comment Hours
16.07.2019 19:05 16.07.2019 Olli-Antti Kivilahti Development Feature #59: NatLibFi (KK) Koha consultation 3.00 Actions
20.09.2023 00:19 20.09.2023 Olli-Antti Kivilahti Development Support #1101: ISO ILL 18626 ja Koha - Design phase. Implementing the BDD happy path test case. Designing GUI interactions. Stint on injecting a websocket via the Koha plugin, which actually works. Websocket enables faster performance for the GUI and push notifications. 3.25 Actions
19.07.2019 01:21 18.07.2019 Olli-Antti Kivilahti Development Feature #59: NatLibFi (KK) Koha consultation 3.87 Actions
18.09.2023 05:38 17.09.2023 Olli-Antti Kivilahti Development Support #1101: ISO ILL 18626 ja Koha - Design phase. Deployed the Koha-to-Koha ILL module. Implementing data structures to encapsulate the ISO18626 messages. Implementing XML parsing and validation. Looking at reusing parts of existing ILL modules. Vue.js is introduced to Koha via the ERM-module, and ILL system doesn't provide that much autogeneration for the UI after all. Better UX with Vue.js 5.98 Actions
17.07.2019 11:41 17.07.2019 Olli-Antti Kivilahti Development Feature #59: NatLibFi (KK) Koha consultation 6.02 Actions
19.09.2023 09:55 18.09.2023 Olli-Antti Kivilahti Development Support #1101: ISO ILL 18626 ja Koha - Design phase. Implementing DAO and XML serialization/deserialization using metaprograming. REST API endpoint for pure unhindered XML communication with custom auth. 11.00 Actions
27.09.2023 16:56 27.09.2023 Olli-Antti Kivilahti Communication Support #1101: ISO ILL 18626 ja Koha - Design phase. Reading the IRC buzz. 0.20 Actions
06.11.2023 14:42 06.11.2023 Olli-Antti Kivilahti Communication Support #1101: ISO ILL 18626 ja Koha - Design phase. Asking KK for a status update. 0.20 Actions
15.09.2023 20:47 15.09.2023 Olli-Antti Kivilahti Communication Support #1101: ISO ILL 18626 ja Koha - Design phase. Checking emails. Looking to code a bit. 0.25 Actions
31.07.2019 10:21 31.07.2019 Olli-Antti Kivilahti Communication Feature #59: NatLibFi (KK) Koha consultation - sprint retrospective, all is ok. No extra sprints. 0.33 Actions
14.09.2023 21:16 15.09.2023 Olli-Antti Kivilahti Communication Support #1101: ISO ILL 18626 ja Koha - Design phase. checking emails about ISO Committee work. 0.33 Actions
27.09.2023 03:29 27.09.2023 Olli-Antti Kivilahti Communication Support #1101: ISO ILL 18626 ja Koha - Design phase. Engaging the community in IRC. Answering questions. 0.33 Actions
30.09.2023 01:01 30.09.2023 Olli-Antti Kivilahti Communication Support #1101: ISO ILL 18626 ja Koha - Design phase. Discussing project continuity with the client. 0.33 Actions
04.10.2023 17:05 04.10.2023 Olli-Antti Kivilahti Communication Support #1101: ISO ILL 18626 ja Koha - Design phase. Reading ISO18626 CILLT emails and meeting dates. 0.33 Actions
04.10.2023 16:54 04.10.2023 Olli-Antti Kivilahti Communication Support #1101: ISO ILL 18626 ja Koha - Design phase. Scheduling a meeting with PTFS-E and published it on the mauling list. Levitating on how awesome the RFC is. 0.50 Actions
30.08.2023 13:43 30.08.2023 Olli-Antti Kivilahti Communication Support #1101: ISO ILL 18626 ja Koha - Design phase. Status report to EPK. Got access to Quickly glancing at Airut. 0.75 Actions
06.10.2023 17:07 06.10.2023 Olli-Antti Kivilahti Communication Support #1101: ISO ILL 18626 ja Koha - Design phase. Meeting with PTFS-E. ashimema and Pedro present. Discussing ISO18626 and our clients needs. Identified challenges regarding the standard: how to know in advance what the cost of the ILL is? 1.00 Actions
27.09.2023 01:11 27.09.2023 Olli-Antti Kivilahti Communication Support #1101: ISO ILL 18626 ja Koha - Design phase. Publishing the endeavour to the Koha-Community. Sharing the latest WIP code to github. 1.15 Actions
06.10.2023 17:25 06.10.2023 Olli-Antti Kivilahti Communication Support #1101: ISO ILL 18626 ja Koha - Design phase. Post-meeting ideas propagation. Asking clarifications from PTFS-peeps. Emailing NatLibFi about meeting notes and discoveries and CILLT ISOILL about the new discovered challenges with the standard. 1.45 Actions
31.07.2019 10:20 04.07.2019 Olli-Antti Kivilahti Communication Feature #59: NatLibFi (KK) Koha consultation Sprint planning in Hki. 1h travel time with 50% billing. 1.50 Actions
25.10.2023 14:35 25.10.2023 Olli-Antti Kivilahti Communication Support #1101: ISO ILL 18626 ja Koha - Design phase. ISO18626 Authentication Recommendations and Best Practices -meeting with all the big shots. Commenting intensely on auth mechanisms. Reviewing proposed OAuth2 guidelines. Looks good and nice. 1.80 Actions
10.09.2019 11:15 10.09.2019 Olli-Antti Kivilahti Communication Feature #59: NatLibFi (KK) Koha consultation Mentoring @nugged. 2.25 Actions
08.09.2023 04:46 08.09.2023 Olli-Antti Kivilahti Learning Support #1101: ISO ILL 18626 ja Koha - Design phase. Studied kiwi Airut-materials briefly. 0.50 Actions
13.09.2023 21:01 14.09.2023 Olli-Antti Kivilahti Learning Support #1101: ISO ILL 18626 ja Koha - Design phase. Going through the ISO18626 committee authentication draft proposal, and commented on it. PKI is a great idea. Hoping to allow self-signed certificates for it to ease with deployment infrastructure. Also HTTP Basic should be supported, so it would be very easy to adopt, and it is a well-established idiom for everybody. 0.78 Actions
24.08.2023 23:37 25.08.2023 Olli-Antti Kivilahti Learning Support #1101: ISO ILL 18626 ja Koha - Design phase. Bought the ISO18626 document and read through it. Planning the technical implementation to Koha. Such as authentication, Agency discovery, configuration, Agency metadata and availability search. Asking the some questions about inconsistency regarding auth and help in designing federation. 3.00 Actions
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