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Hours: 344.53

Created Date User Activity+ Issue Comment Hours
27.01.2022 22:05 26.01.2022 Lari Taskula Communication Support #761: koha-illbackend-libris enhancements Requesting information from Kalle. 0.25 Actions
24.01.2022 15:46 24.01.2022 Lari Taskula Development Support #762: Edit patron information before registration of arrival Creating a mock Libris response so that we can start development without Libris API keys. Using a dummy response from Libris documentation. Running into configuration issues. partner_code seems to not get populated for $ill_config. It is defined in $KOHA_CONF but it looks like the code is attempting to read it from config.yaml. Debugging. 1.00 Actions
24.01.2022 14:43 24.01.2022 Lari Taskula Learning Support #761: koha-illbackend-libris enhancements Getting started. Reading task specification for our first tasks and checking out related resources. Installing koha-illbackend-libris. Running into some issues while configurating the module together with @samu.heiskanen that prevent creation of new requests. The issue is that branchcode does not get passed into the CGI-script. Is it missing from template? Debugging and checking out git history for related changes. It appears a recent commit has caused a bug. Contacting author of the module. 2.00 Actions
24.11.2021 10:59 24.11.2021 Lari Taskula Development Feature #578: ansible-role-koha Support ServerAlias in apache2 0.50 Actions
29.09.2021 13:20 29.09.2021 Lari Taskula Development Feature #577: Swedbank Pay Adding support for Koha 20.05 and older OPAC templates 1.00 Actions
27.09.2021 07:59 27.09.2021 Lari Taskula Translating Feature #577: Swedbank Pay Translations 0.50 Actions
25.09.2021 17:03 25.09.2021 Lari Taskula Development Feature #577: Swedbank Pay Implementing Capture and After Payment steps & callback. Recording a screencast. 9.00 Actions
23.09.2021 10:07 23.09.2021 Lari Taskula Development Feature #577: Swedbank Pay Emailing Swedbank tech support back and forth, implementing the Create order step of Payment Menu. 2.75 Actions
17.09.2021 01:53 16.09.2021 Lari Taskula Development Feature #578: ansible-role-koha Tidying code, adding support for system preferences. A lot of testing. 6.00 Actions
17.09.2021 01:52 17.09.2021 Lari Taskula Development Feature #577: Swedbank Pay Adding order statuses for logging purposes. 0.50 Actions
17.09.2021 01:52 17.09.2021 Lari Taskula Development Feature #577: Swedbank Pay Integration developement with Swedbank Pay API. 2.00 Actions
14.09.2021 22:33 15.09.2021 Lari Taskula Communication Feature #577: Swedbank Pay Replying to imCode, reading Swedbank docs for reference 1.00 Actions
09.09.2021 21:47 09.09.2021 Lari Taskula Development Feature #578: ansible-role-koha Support OPAC, investigating porting the automatic installer script from KS. 4.00 Actions
08.09.2021 22:23 09.09.2021 Lari Taskula Development Feature #578: ansible-role-koha Debugging various issues, figuring out a solution to providing database credentials with koha-create's --use-db flag 6.00 Actions
07.09.2021 21:34 08.09.2021 Lari Taskula Design Feature #578: ansible-role-koha Discussing Koha ansible with kivilahtio. Studying NatLibFi's implementation. 1.00 Actions
07.09.2021 21:28 08.09.2021 Lari Taskula Communication Feature #577: Swedbank Pay Emailing imCode about current status, it appears it's not possible to have patron select payment method in Swedbank's page with their 'Redirect' method. 0.25 Actions
07.09.2021 21:27 08.09.2021 Lari Taskula Development Feature #577: Swedbank Pay Testing configuration page and fixing some minor syntax bugs. 0.25 Actions
07.09.2021 21:27 08.09.2021 Lari Taskula Development Feature #577: Swedbank Pay Adding order_id and a dependant Koha instance name. Koha instance name is prefixing order_id so that order_id's are unique between different Koha instances using the same Swedbank Pay interface. 1.00 Actions
07.09.2021 21:26 08.09.2021 Lari Taskula Documenting Feature #577: Swedbank Pay Documentation fixes 0.25 Actions
07.09.2021 15:04 06.09.2021 Lari Taskula Maintenance Feature #578: ansible-role-koha Starting with NatLibFi's Koha. Analyzing current functionality and our additional requirements. Installing Koha with it. Studying koha-create from koha-common Debian package. Debugging an annoying memcached issue for hours that occured because our custom memcached role setup an Unix socket connection instead of listening to TCP:11211 that is the default way expected by Koha. 8.00 Actions
07.09.2021 15:01 07.09.2021 Lari Taskula Development Feature #577: Swedbank Pay Removing references to DIBS, investigating ISO 4217 as it is mentioned in the source. 0.50 Actions
06.09.2021 14:00 06.09.2021 Lari Taskula Development Feature #577: Swedbank Pay Starting by reading documentation, forking DIBS Payment Plugin, renaming files and packages and adjusting configuration variables. 2.00 Actions
17.02.2021 19:28 17.02.2021 Lari Taskula Development Feature #442: Koha notices & slips test script Generating a test script from to print the generated letter without enqueueing it. 0.50 Actions
08.02.2021 19:21 08.02.2021 Lari Taskula Development Feature #421: Bug 20028 - Export all patron related personal data in one package Fixing tests with what was decided in Bug 27630 0.50 Actions
08.02.2021 19:20 08.02.2021 Lari Taskula Communication Bug #439: Bug 27630 - TestBuilder real number precision to use column's size Emailing to koha-devel and writing comment to Bugzilla. 0.50 Actions
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