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Hours: 344.53

Created Date User Activity+ Issue Comment Hours
17.09.2021 01:53 16.09.2021 Lari Taskula Development Feature #578: ansible-role-koha Tidying code, adding support for system preferences. A lot of testing. 6.00 Actions
09.09.2021 21:47 09.09.2021 Lari Taskula Development Feature #578: ansible-role-koha Support OPAC, investigating porting the automatic installer script from KS. 4.00 Actions
07.09.2021 21:34 08.09.2021 Lari Taskula Design Feature #578: ansible-role-koha Discussing Koha ansible with kivilahtio. Studying NatLibFi's implementation. 1.00 Actions
24.11.2021 10:59 24.11.2021 Lari Taskula Development Feature #578: ansible-role-koha Support ServerAlias in apache2 0.50 Actions
14.02.2022 07:47 14.02.2022 Lari Taskula Development Support #761: koha-illbackend-libris enhancements Work log entry for Samu's work. Only Lari's entries (such as this) will be billed. Samu debugged a bug with the creation of new ILL request, and after receiving more information from Magnus he fixed it and sent a PR to upstream. 3.75 Actions
24.01.2022 14:43 24.01.2022 Lari Taskula Learning Support #761: koha-illbackend-libris enhancements Getting started. Reading task specification for our first tasks and checking out related resources. Installing koha-illbackend-libris. Running into some issues while configurating the module together with @samu.heiskanen that prevent creation of new requests. The issue is that branchcode does not get passed into the CGI-script. Is it missing from template? Debugging and checking out git history for related changes. It appears a recent commit has caused a bug. Contacting author of the module. 2.00 Actions
29.01.2022 01:18 28.01.2022 Lari Taskula Communication Support #761: koha-illbackend-libris enhancements Debugging the issue we first ran into. It is due to a bug that attempts to read a wrong configuration parameter. Asking Samu to fix it and send a pull request to Magnus. 0.50 Actions
27.01.2022 22:05 26.01.2022 Lari Taskula Communication Support #761: koha-illbackend-libris enhancements Requesting information from Kalle. 0.25 Actions
27.01.2022 22:05 27.01.2022 Lari Taskula Communication Support #761: koha-illbackend-libris enhancements Reading Magnuses emails and replying. 0.25 Actions
29.01.2022 01:16 28.01.2022 Lari Taskula Communication Support #761: koha-illbackend-libris enhancements Replying to Magnus regarding a bug in his module. 0.25 Actions
14.02.2022 12:30 14.02.2022 Lari Taskula Communication Support #761: koha-illbackend-libris enhancements Writing a status update email to relevant partners. 0.25 Actions
22.02.2022 14:57 22.02.2022 Lari Taskula Communication Support #761: koha-illbackend-libris enhancements Reading new task specification. Replying to Kalle. 0.25 Actions
14.02.2022 11:44 14.02.2022 Lari Taskula Development Support #762: Edit patron information before registration of arrival Designing this feature. It was requested that reserves.borrowernumber should also update when illrequests.borrowernumber is updated. It could be implemented in various ways, but deciding to extend Koha::Illrequest->store() with logic to replace borrowernumber also in reserves-table. Writing unit tests. Reading plenty of DBIx documentation. Figuring out how to retrieve the before-store() value of "borrowernumber" so that it could be compared with the borrowernumber used in "set" (or $illreq->borrowernumber(xxx)), but apprarently it's not possible without fetching the whole Koha-object again (or unless you somehow store it locally in the object). Managed to make it work by fetching the whole object again if borrowernumber is updated according to "get_dirty_columns". Adding an editable input field to ILL-request edit screen and writing a test plan. Pushing patches to Bugzilla. 4.50 Actions
24.01.2022 15:46 24.01.2022 Lari Taskula Development Support #762: Edit patron information before registration of arrival Creating a mock Libris response so that we can start development without Libris API keys. Using a dummy response from Libris documentation. Running into configuration issues. partner_code seems to not get populated for $ill_config. It is defined in $KOHA_CONF but it looks like the code is attempting to read it from config.yaml. Debugging. 1.00 Actions
10.02.2022 01:17 10.02.2022 Lari Taskula Learning Support #762: Edit patron information before registration of arrival Reading specification and trying to understand it. Browsing related views in Koha. Asking for more information. 1.00 Actions
22.02.2022 14:27 22.02.2022 Lari Taskula Development Support #762: Edit patron information before registration of arrival Reading an email from Magnus. He had reported a bug on Bug 22321 that I had forgotten. Creating an unit test to cover the bug and implementing a fix. Pushing patches to Bugzilla and reporting back to Magnus. 0.75 Actions
14.02.2022 07:50 14.02.2022 Lari Taskula Communication Support #762: Edit patron information before registration of arrival Received a response from Magnus. Reading it. 0.25 Actions
04.02.2022 05:43 04.02.2022 Samu Heiskanen Development Support #776: “Details” under patrons in the staff interface a way to separate ordinary reservations from inter library loan reservations I only make entry for 3 hours though I worked all night but I didn't finish the job. I learned a lot, but more work tomorrow. 3.00 Actions
30.01.2022 17:34 30.01.2022 Samu Heiskanen Development Support #776: “Details” under patrons in the staff interface a way to separate ordinary reservations from inter library loan reservations This seems simpler than I thought. Important table settings are in table id="holds-table". I think they are in "kohaclone/blib/INTRANET_TMPL_DIR/prog/js/holds.js" or in "kohaclone/blib/INTRANET_CGI_DIR/admin/columns_settings.yml". Maybe in both. 2.00 Actions
31.01.2022 05:10 31.01.2022 Samu Heiskanen Development Support #776: “Details” under patrons in the staff interface a way to separate ordinary reservations from inter library loan reservations I have reached the point where I'd like to peek to the Asset.js. I can't find it, but there must be a reason for it. I have gained the overall picture of how the Koha works: Perl CGI-scripts which interact with html-templates which in turn run javascript. 2.00 Actions
02.02.2022 03:15 02.02.2022 Samu Heiskanen Development Support #776: “Details” under patrons in the staff interface a way to separate ordinary reservations from inter library loan reservations Trying desperately find how to know items homelibrary 2.00 Actions
03.02.2022 04:29 03.02.2022 Samu Heiskanen Development Support #776: “Details” under patrons in the staff interface a way to separate ordinary reservations from inter library loan reservations I have found out similar way to implement the Home library column in Javascript. Now I have to study how it is done in the checkouts.js 2.00 Actions
03.02.2022 13:33 03.02.2022 Samu Heiskanen Development Support #776: “Details” under patrons in the staff interface a way to separate ordinary reservations from inter library loan reservations Studying over perl scrips, templates and javascripts which relate to the Checkouts- and Holds-tabs 2.00 Actions
07.02.2022 03:35 07.02.2022 Samu Heiskanen Development Support #776: “Details” under patrons in the staff interface a way to separate ordinary reservations from inter library loan reservations Working so hard that I almost forgot to report. Copy-pasting so much code as possible from checkouts. When I get it to work similarly then reducing the code gradually. 2.00 Actions
07.02.2022 06:51 07.02.2022 Samu Heiskanen Design Support #776: “Details” under patrons in the staff interface a way to separate ordinary reservations from inter library loan reservations Argh! The setting: Default checkout, hold and return policy - Hold policy: was in value home library so I couldn't make interlibrary loans which tricked me to believe thet Holds-tab couldn't handle interlibrary loans. Wasted time making new Interlibrary tab and it'as functionality. Now back to designing the Holds-tab to show Holds' home library. 2.00 Actions
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