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Hours: 344.53

Created Date User Activity+ Issue Comment Hours
14.02.2022 10:34 14.02.2022 Lari Taskula Development Feature #786: Cron script reminder for unretrieved material Some fixes were required after Magnus's reviewing. Removed useless query, removed a statement that overrided a configuration variable that eventually led into a bug on further iterations of the reminder loop, added some print statements for better logging, and fixed a bug in array size comparison that made the lastly configured letter to be skipped. 1.00 Actions
01.03.2022 01:34 01.03.2022 Lari Taskula Development Support #851: Bug 30200 - Add customizable tabs to interlibrary loan requests list Investigating current solutions for customizable tabs. Didn't find anything in system preferences. Thought of placing it in authorized values, but it wouldn't work well there. Adding a new system preference ILLRequestsTabs with a yaml config, writing short documentation for it. 1.00 Actions
06.09.2022 21:13 07.09.2022 Lari Taskula Development Feature #942: Change item level hold to biblio level hold Starting to design this feature. Playing with GUI implementation and thinking of how to implement business logic. It is documented that a record cannot have mixed biblio/item level holds - all holds following the first one must be of same type. This places a big restriction on how this feature can be done. Asking client for their ideas. 1.00 Actions
29.11.2022 13:40 29.11.2022 Lari Taskula Development Support #973: Bug 18595 - Move C4::Members::Messaging to Koha namespace Testing patches, found errors with patch "Catch message preference exceptions in OPAC", wrong exception package name, probably due to previous rebasing mistake. Fixing. 1.00 Actions
30.01.2022 13:07 30.01.2022 Samu Heiskanen Development Support #776: “Details” under patrons in the staff interface a way to separate ordinary reservations from inter library loan reservations Maybe the best way is to add a home library column to the Holds? 1.00 Actions
30.01.2022 13:58 30.01.2022 Samu Heiskanen Development Support #776: “Details” under patrons in the staff interface a way to separate ordinary reservations from inter library loan reservations I have added the home library column, now I have to figure out how to find the data for that column 1.00 Actions
30.01.2022 15:12 30.01.2022 Samu Heiskanen Development Support #776: “Details” under patrons in the staff interface a way to separate ordinary reservations from inter library loan reservations Now I'm going through koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/en/includes/ wondering if I can change that 1.00 Actions
30.01.2022 23:37 31.01.2022 Samu Heiskanen Development Support #776: “Details” under patrons in the staff interface a way to separate ordinary reservations from inter library loan reservations Trying to find the Home library, homebranch for the item that patron has a holded. 1.00 Actions
31.01.2022 00:42 31.01.2022 Samu Heiskanen Development Support #776: “Details” under patrons in the staff interface a way to separate ordinary reservations from inter library loan reservations Still trying to find the value to the homebranch 1.00 Actions
06.02.2022 14:55 06.02.2022 Samu Heiskanen Development Support #776: “Details” under patrons in the staff interface a way to separate ordinary reservations from inter library loan reservations I have figured out that the probable reason why item.branch won't work in holds-tab is that the table type is dataTable and checkouts-tab table type is KohaTable 1.00 Actions
06.02.2022 15:59 06.02.2022 Samu Heiskanen Development Support #776: “Details” under patrons in the staff interface a way to separate ordinary reservations from inter library loan reservations I have tried to read the code behind KohaTable and dataTable but it is very slow: I'm not very good at Javascript 1.00 Actions
06.02.2022 22:03 07.02.2022 Samu Heiskanen Development Support #776: “Details” under patrons in the staff interface a way to separate ordinary reservations from inter library loan reservations Studying intensely holds.js 1.00 Actions
06.02.2022 23:07 07.02.2022 Samu Heiskanen Development Support #776: “Details” under patrons in the staff interface a way to separate ordinary reservations from inter library loan reservations I guess holds-table oObj is Hold, not Item. Maybe I can reference straight to the Item with Hold-object. 1.00 Actions
06.02.2022 23:57 07.02.2022 Samu Heiskanen Development Support #776: “Details” under patrons in the staff interface a way to separate ordinary reservations from inter library loan reservations Now I realized that there can't be interlibrary holds under holds-tab: it is only for home library holds. That's why there isn't homebranch for that because those holds are always from homebranch 1.00 Actions
07.02.2022 01:34 07.02.2022 Samu Heiskanen Development Support #776: “Details” under patrons in the staff interface a way to separate ordinary reservations from inter library loan reservations Now the task goes forward: I have made the Interlibrary Holds-tab and copied functionality from checkouts 1.00 Actions
07.02.2022 04:43 07.02.2022 Samu Heiskanen Development Support #776: “Details” under patrons in the staff interface a way to separate ordinary reservations from inter library loan reservations Ok, now I have replaced the checkouts-tab functionality temporarily with interlibrary-tab just for testing. And now changing the functionality of the interlibrary-tab towards its real purpose. 1.00 Actions
07.02.2022 07:53 07.02.2022 Samu Heiskanen Development Support #776: “Details” under patrons in the staff interface a way to separate ordinary reservations from inter library loan reservations The main problem is that I know so little about javascript. I really have to study javascript syntax to get this to work. And, maybe the calling object in the holds-table is biblio after all, because oObj.title is a biblio name :) 1.00 Actions
09.02.2022 23:30 10.02.2022 Samu Heiskanen Development Support #776: “Details” under patrons in the staff interface a way to separate ordinary reservations from inter library loan reservations I have studied the Koha-database tables and the way to access the homebranch-information of items. 1.00 Actions
04.02.2021 19:51 04.02.2021 Lari Taskula Development Bug #439: Bug 27630 - TestBuilder real number precision to use column's size Found annoying issue with Bug 20028's tests when running Test::More's is_deeply comparing an object built by TestBuilder with an object fetched from database via DBIx. Decimal places do not match. Investigating TestBuilder. Found there's a hardcoded 2-decimal place definition. Creating a new Bug to Bugzilla and patching the issue. 1.25 Actions
02.02.2022 01:45 02.02.2022 Lari Taskula Development Support #780: Charge patron a fee at receive Reading specification for step b. Implementing changes. 1.25 Actions
09.02.2022 23:56 10.02.2022 Lari Taskula Development Support #779: Bug 24239 - Let the ILL module set ad hoc hard due dates Reading Magnus's response. Creating a configuration variable that allows configuring which field will be used for due date. Adding business logic behind it. Testing. Creating a pull request. 1.25 Actions
15.02.2022 19:48 15.02.2022 Lari Taskula Development Feature #786: Cron script reminder for unretrieved material Making fixes according to Magnus's feedback. Removed faulty logic that message transport types would be based on the messages sent at receival step. Changed it so that now we attempt to find all transport types defined for that specific letter code and send notifications to all of them. Pushing changes to GitHub PR. 1.50 Actions
28.11.2022 22:30 29.11.2022 Lari Taskula Development Support #993: Bug 32357 - Set borrower_message_preferences.days_in_advance default to NULL Investigating SetMessagingPreferences logic. It seems it overrides borrower_message_preferences.days_in_advance default (from 0 to null), so we might as well set default to null at database level. Implementing patch, figuring out how to test it, commenting on Bugzilla, attaching a patch. 1.50 Actions
31.03.2020 09:20 31.03.2020 Olli-Antti Kivilahti Development Feature #59: NatLibFi (KK) Koha consultation Testing Kehitysehdotus #4332: Bug 24751 - REST API: CRUD endpoints for holdings records Code reviewing the big change. Discussing with @lari. 1.82 Actions
26.09.2023 18:57 26.09.2023 Olli-Antti Kivilahti Development Support #1101: ISO ILL 18626 ja Koha - Design phase. Ported REST API accessors and messaging subsystem to Plugin and TypeScript. Looking into GUI to CRUD data objects. Started figuring out how to organize ISO18626 transaction in the Koha's DB ILL-schemas and possible extensions. 1.98 Actions
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