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Hours: 344.53

Created Date User Activity+ Issue Comment Hours
04.11.2022 00:04 04.11.2022 Lari Taskula Communication Feature #942: Change item level hold to biblio level hold Testing and commenting to Bugzilla. 0.25 Actions
26.10.2022 13:47 26.10.2022 Lari Taskula Communication Feature #942: Change item level hold to biblio level hold Commenting on Bugzilla 0.25 Actions
20.04.2022 14:37 20.04.2022 Lari Taskula Maintenance Support #779: Bug 24239 - Let the ILL module set ad hoc hard due dates Rebasing 0.25 Actions
03.03.2022 14:18 03.03.2022 Lari Taskula Communication Support #851: Bug 30200 - Add customizable tabs to interlibrary loan requests list Informing team of the new patches. 0.25 Actions
22.02.2022 14:57 22.02.2022 Lari Taskula Communication Support #761: koha-illbackend-libris enhancements Reading new task specification. Replying to Kalle. 0.25 Actions
14.02.2022 12:30 14.02.2022 Lari Taskula Communication Support #761: koha-illbackend-libris enhancements Writing a status update email to relevant partners. 0.25 Actions
14.02.2022 10:47 14.02.2022 Lari Taskula Documenting Feature #786: Cron script reminder for unretrieved material Improving documentation. Adding pod2usage and author & license. 0.25 Actions
14.02.2022 07:50 14.02.2022 Lari Taskula Communication Support #762: Edit patron information before registration of arrival Received a response from Magnus. Reading it. 0.25 Actions
29.01.2022 01:16 28.01.2022 Lari Taskula Communication Support #761: koha-illbackend-libris enhancements Replying to Magnus regarding a bug in his module. 0.25 Actions
27.01.2022 22:05 27.01.2022 Lari Taskula Communication Support #761: koha-illbackend-libris enhancements Reading Magnuses emails and replying. 0.25 Actions
27.01.2022 22:05 26.01.2022 Lari Taskula Communication Support #761: koha-illbackend-libris enhancements Requesting information from Kalle. 0.25 Actions
07.09.2021 21:28 08.09.2021 Lari Taskula Communication Feature #577: Swedbank Pay Emailing imCode about current status, it appears it's not possible to have patron select payment method in Swedbank's page with their 'Redirect' method. 0.25 Actions
07.09.2021 21:27 08.09.2021 Lari Taskula Development Feature #577: Swedbank Pay Testing configuration page and fixing some minor syntax bugs. 0.25 Actions
07.09.2021 21:26 08.09.2021 Lari Taskula Documenting Feature #577: Swedbank Pay Documentation fixes 0.25 Actions
04.02.2021 23:08 04.02.2021 Lari Taskula Documenting Feature #421: Bug 20028 - Export all patron related personal data in one package Writing comments, refactoring patch notes. 0.25 Actions
29.01.2021 18:07 29.01.2021 Lari Taskula Communication Feature #421: Bug 20028 - Export all patron related personal data in one package Commenting to Bugzilla on terminology. 0.25 Actions
17.03.2020 23:11 17.03.2020 Lari Taskula Documenting Feature #266: Bug 24101 - Due date to on-site loans according to the calendar and possibility to renew on-site loans The work logging for this issue is in See issue description for links. 0.25 Actions
01.03.2020 15:27 01.03.2020 Lari Taskula Documenting Feature #254: Bug 24751 - REST API: CRUD endpoints for holdings records The work logging for this issue is in See issue description for links. 0.25 Actions
12.04.2019 17:24 12.04.2019 Lari Taskula Communication Support #23: Bug 18205 - Mojo::Log with Koha::Logger::Mojo Commenting into Bugzilla. 0.25 Actions
08.01.2024 13:08 08.01.2024 Lari Taskula Maintenance Support #1138: Tietuenäytön muokkaus ei toimi päivityksen jälkeen Tutkittu ongelmaa ja löydetty Bug 35383 0.50 Actions
10.11.2022 02:28 10.11.2022 Lari Taskula Development Feature #942: Change item level hold to biblio level hold Rebasing new conflicts 0.50 Actions
24.10.2022 23:50 25.10.2022 Lari Taskula Maintenance Feature #942: Change item level hold to biblio level hold Squashing patches, responding to a comment in Bugzilla, updating test plan. 0.50 Actions
06.10.2022 13:22 06.10.2022 Lari Taskula Communication Support #972: Bug 17499 - Koha objects for messaging preferences Noticing Koha::MessageAttribute(s) classes were already introduced while this Bug was in pending status. Need to adjust current patches - remove Koha::Patron::Message::Attribute(s) and rename transport classes to match naming convention of Koha::MessageAttribute(s). Commenting to Bugzilla. 0.50 Actions
17.02.2022 20:24 16.02.2022 Lari Taskula Development Feature #786: Cron script reminder for unretrieved material Last fixes. illrequests.date_due was not updating so investigating the issue and sending a new commit to PR. 0.50 Actions
15.02.2022 13:25 15.02.2022 Lari Taskula Development Support #820: Allow renewals for ILLs Bugfixes. Pushing new commits to PR. 0.50 Actions
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