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Hours: 6.00

Created Date User Activity+ Issue Comment Hours
15.02.2022 13:25 15.02.2022 Lari Taskula Development Support #820: Allow renewals for ILLs Bugfixes. Pushing new commits to PR. 0.50 Actions
14.02.2022 07:41 14.02.2022 Lari Taskula Development Support #820: Allow renewals for ILLs More testing and making bug fixes. Creating a new PR to upstream, ready for review. 0.75 Actions
11.02.2022 16:32 11.02.2022 Lari Taskula Development Support #820: Allow renewals for ILLs Developing this feature. Studying and experimenting how ILL backend statuses behave. It seems that it's enough to create a new placeholder status "IN_UTL_RENEW" that's not an actual status, but just a placeholder to add a button to illview screen. Its actual status (stored in the database) is still "IN_UTL". Using code from the receive step and adjusting it for the needs of renewals. Testing. Pushing changes to GitHub. 3.50 Actions
11.02.2022 16:29 11.02.2022 Lari Taskula Design Support #820: Allow renewals for ILLs Received a response from Magnus. Reading his more detailed specification and looking at current implementations. There seems to be something regarding renewals already. Deciding to use it. 0.75 Actions
11.02.2022 13:33 10.02.2022 Lari Taskula Communication Support #820: Allow renewals for ILLs Reading specs and trying to understand it. Confused about workflow, why isn't Koha's own renewal features enough? Asking Magnus for more information. 0.50 Actions

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