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Created Date User Activity+ Issue Comment Hours
20.04.2022 14:37 20.04.2022 Lari Taskula Maintenance Support #779: Bug 24239 - Let the ILL module set ad hoc hard due dates Rebasing 0.25 Actions
09.02.2022 23:56 10.02.2022 Lari Taskula Development Support #779: Bug 24239 - Let the ILL module set ad hoc hard due dates Reading Magnus's response. Creating a configuration variable that allows configuring which field will be used for due date. Adding business logic behind it. Testing. Creating a pull request. 1.25 Actions
02.02.2022 00:21 02.02.2022 Lari Taskula Development Support #779: Bug 24239 - Let the ILL module set ad hoc hard due dates Studying the specification doc for task a. Checking Bugzilla Bug 24239 and studying Magnus's patch. Reading discussion related to the bug. It was suggested that instead of custom attribute, a date_due column could be added to illrequests table. Implementing this and writing tests for this. 3.50 Actions

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