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Hours: 7.50

Created Date User Activity+ Issue Comment Hours
22.02.2022 14:27 22.02.2022 Lari Taskula Development Support #762: Edit patron information before registration of arrival Reading an email from Magnus. He had reported a bug on Bug 22321 that I had forgotten. Creating an unit test to cover the bug and implementing a fix. Pushing patches to Bugzilla and reporting back to Magnus. 0.75 Actions
14.02.2022 11:44 14.02.2022 Lari Taskula Development Support #762: Edit patron information before registration of arrival Designing this feature. It was requested that reserves.borrowernumber should also update when illrequests.borrowernumber is updated. It could be implemented in various ways, but deciding to extend Koha::Illrequest->store() with logic to replace borrowernumber also in reserves-table. Writing unit tests. Reading plenty of DBIx documentation. Figuring out how to retrieve the before-store() value of "borrowernumber" so that it could be compared with the borrowernumber used in "set" (or $illreq->borrowernumber(xxx)), but apprarently it's not possible without fetching the whole Koha-object again (or unless you somehow store it locally in the object). Managed to make it work by fetching the whole object again if borrowernumber is updated according to "get_dirty_columns". Adding an editable input field to ILL-request edit screen and writing a test plan. Pushing patches to Bugzilla. 4.50 Actions
14.02.2022 07:50 14.02.2022 Lari Taskula Communication Support #762: Edit patron information before registration of arrival Received a response from Magnus. Reading it. 0.25 Actions
10.02.2022 01:17 10.02.2022 Lari Taskula Learning Support #762: Edit patron information before registration of arrival Reading specification and trying to understand it. Browsing related views in Koha. Asking for more information. 1.00 Actions
24.01.2022 15:46 24.01.2022 Lari Taskula Development Support #762: Edit patron information before registration of arrival Creating a mock Libris response so that we can start development without Libris API keys. Using a dummy response from Libris documentation. Running into configuration issues. partner_code seems to not get populated for $ill_config. It is defined in $KOHA_CONF but it looks like the code is attempting to read it from config.yaml. Debugging. 1.00 Actions

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