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Hours: 8.50

Created Date User Activity+ Issue Comment Hours
02.09.2021 12:01 02.09.2021 Lari Taskula Communication Feature #573: COSS partnership Meeting COSS people in Jitsi, discussing their strategic plans, explaining our business model and discussing how COSS could help us. Very cool people! 1.00 Actions
06.05.2020 13:24 06.05.2020 Lari Taskula Development Support #276: Test::DBIx::Class::Factory Refactoring and adding more data types. 6.00 Actions
05.05.2020 15:49 05.05.2020 Lari Taskula Development Support #276: Test::DBIx::Class::Factory Developing support for more data types. 0.75 Actions
05.05.2020 15:49 05.05.2020 Lari Taskula Communication Support #276: Test::DBIx::Class::Factory Emailing the author. Asking them to publish the project in GitHub. They agreed. 0.75 Actions

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