Support #762
closedSupport #761: koha-illbackend-libris enhancements
Edit patron information before registration of arrival
patron’s information No
before registration of
arrival of an inter
library loan without
the changes later
being written over
The changes should
be visible both in the
patron entry as well
as in the inter library
loan module.
This intends patron’s information for the
patron (and not the check-out library). It
should also be possible to edit patron-
information before registration of arrival.
Libris backend can currently be
configured so that data about libraries is
just retrieved once from Libris, and
afterwards is updated locally. See
«update_library_data» here:
What we figured is the problem is that
data from Libris that is imported into
Koha is overwritten by new data from
Libris. It should be possible to add a
field that says «Do not update» or
something similar, that is activated when
manual changes are made, that then
stops updates/overwriting.
Updated by Lari Taskula about 3 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Feedback
- Koha Bugzilla Bug# set to 22321
Updated by Lari Taskula about 3 years ago
- Target version set to koha-illbackend-libris
Updated by Lari Taskula almost 3 years ago
- Status changed from Feedback to Resolved
Updated by Lari Taskula almost 3 years ago
- Status changed from Resolved to Closed