Bug #1283
closedBug 37375 - Holdings table not loading if MARC framework is missing certain 952 subfields
When you've catalogued a record with MARC framework that is for some reason missing certain 952 subfields (8, a, b, c, or y), holdings table is no longer loading but stuck in the "Processing..." loader.
To test, open Koha in two browser tabs:
IN TAB 1 (framework configuration):
1. Create a new MARC framework "TEST", based on the default MARC framework
IN TAB 2 (record view):
2. Create a new record using MARC framework "TEST"
3. Add an item to the newly created record
4. Observe item visible on the record's holdings list
IN TAB 1 (framework configuration):
5. Delete all 952 subfields in framework "TEST" except: 8, a, b, c, y
IN TAB 2 (record view):
6. Refresh page
7. Observe item visible on the record's holdings list
8. Open your browser's console for upcoming error messages
Iterating remaining subfields in following order,
| <FIELD> | <NAME>
| 952$8 | row._strings.collection_code
| 952$c | row._strings.location
| 952$a | row._strings.home_library_id
| 952$b | row._strings.holding_library_id
| 952$y | row._strings.item_type_id
IN TAB 1 (framework configuration):
9. Delete subfield <FIELD> in framework "TEST"
IN TAB 2 (record view):
10. Refresh page
11. Observe error "Uncaught TypeError: <NAME> is undefined"
Updated by Lari Taskula 7 months ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Closed
- % Done changed from 0 to 100